Older Child Adoption


In April, we said goodbye to two girls who spent more than 3 years at CLM, a 15 year old young lady and her 10 year old sister. For years, they had longed for a stable family to adopt them, and their prayers were answered. It was amazing to see this precious moment take place in their lives.

Older child adoption is a topic that is not talked about much in Brazil, but there are thousands of kids over 3 years of age in the care system waiting to be adopted. Most people that are waiting to adopt a child in Brazil prefer white children under 3, with no chronic illnesses or disabilities, and without siblings. However, this doesn't match the profile of the kids waiting for adoption in Brazil: "61.95% of the children in the care system have dark skin; 73.48% are over the age of 5; 25.68% have some kind of disability or chronic illness; and 55.46% have siblings" (data published in the news article Governo vai lançar campanha de incentivo à adoção tardia).

You who are waiting to adopt can help these kids that are waiting for a family. Take some time to think about whether you could maybe accept a child different from the current profile you have requested. And if you live in Brazil and wish to adopt but have not yet gone through the registration process, visit your local courthouse to get started.  If you are outside the U.S., you can consult a reputable internation adoption agency to find out whether Brazilian children can be adopted to your country.  Thousands of children are waiting!


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